All Departments
- Anesthesia
- Dermatology and Venereal disease
- Ear, Nose and Throat department
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory sciences
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Paediatric Orthopedic Surgery የልጆች አጥንት ሕክምና
- Pathology
- Pediatrics and child health
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Radiology
- Surgery
- Urology
Laboratory sciences
- Stool wet mount Microscope Occult Blood Stool concentratiopn Modified A cid Fast Stainning Urine Macroscopy/dipstick Urine microscopy HCG CBC Prepherial Morphology ESR PT/INR APTT Blood Grouping & RH Blood film rk-39 Widal Test
- HIV test full algorism Toxo plasma gondi ASO RF Cross Matching GPT GOT Totral protien Albumin Bilirubin total Bilirubin direct Urea/BUN Total cholestrol Triglycride Creatinine Uric acid Glucose Glucose Strip
- RPR Strip TPHA HCV Ab HBsAg H.pylori Antibody serum H.pylori Antigen stool Coombs test Skin snip for leprosy Discharge Analysis KOH Indean ink Semen anlysis CSF CK-MB Estradial
- FT3 FT4 T3 T4 TSH Cardiac troponon Plural fluid Ascitic fluid Synovial fluid FNAC Electrolyte(k+.Na+,Cl-,CaT) OGGT LDH Biopsy FNAC U/S Guided
- Testostrone progesetrone LH Serum HCG Vitamin D AFP FPSA TPSA CA19-9 CA125 CA 15-3
- CEAS Prolactin FSH D-Dimer NT-Pro BNP2 Digoxin Cortisol High sensitive troponin Hemoglobin A1C Gram staining AFB Staining
Emergency Cases
+251 58 320 1998 / 4167Opening Hours
- Sunday - Monday: 24 Hours Open