March 21, 2022 አፊላስ ጠቅላላ ሆስፒታል ከዓለማቀፍ የሕክምና ቱሪዝም ተቋም ጋር ስምምነት ተፈራረመ። 75 በላይ በሆኑ ሐኪሞች እና የጤና ባለሞያዎች የተቋቋመው እና ላለፉት ሁለት ዓመታት የተለያዩ የህክምና አገልግሎቶችን አገር ወዳድ፣ ለሙያቸው ክብር… Editor 0
April 27, 2020 Corona virus is alarmingly increasing worldwide. Corona virus is alarmingly increasing worldwide. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by keeping your physical distance, regular hand… admin 0
April 27, 2020 Afilas hospital workers and shareholders have donated blood Afilas hospital workers and shareholders have donated blood following the call from Bahir dar blood bank. Currently, there was shortage… admin 0